A simple yet gorgeous easy red velvet cupcake recipe that uses a lemon cream cheese frosting instead! This makes about 12 cupcakes and takes about 45 minutes in total to make.
A simple and easy red velvet mug cake that can be dairy free too if you substitute the milk in the frosting for dairy free. Total time to make is 5 minutes.
Here is a dairy free and gluten free red velvet donuts that look good enough to eat. Follow this recipe to make your very own batch of awesome filled donuts.
Here is an easy red velvet cupcakes recipe that is considered to be the best gluten free on out there! You can get either 16 regular sized cupcakes or 48 mini ones.
An easy red velvet cupcakes recipe that instead uses cacao and coconut for its frosting. Go on the wild side with this beautiful chocolatey beast. The added bonus? It's gluten free.